Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rush, rush, rush

I started the blog.  I made the list. And then I wanted to check everything off at once - setting myself up for automatic failure.  It actually took A LOT to force myself to slow down, to reality check myself into realizing that tackling these things too fast was only going to end up sending me in a downward spiral.

That said, I did actually end up seizing a few opportunities.  First, I signed up for a small group class at my church called "Intro to Prayer".

Some of you know that I was recently baptized, and I began my first real spiritual journey a few months ago.  It's been a very interesting process for someone who has really no religious upbringing to speak of, and hasn't ever felt much longing to have one.  As life got harder these past two years, I found myself realizing that there was something missing.  I didn't really know what it was until I signed up for a basic religious education course.  Now, I'm finding myself not only interested, but enveloped by religion and all the ways it is changing me and my outlook on life.  No, I haven't become a bible-thumper, but I have become someone who wants more from this life.

Second, I also signed up for a real yoga class.

I've been practicing on and off at home, through online streamed classes, but have always wanted to go to a real class that could truly teach me the poses, the breathing and give me the ambiance that I want while practicing.  I also hope that this class spurs the want to work out more in general.  It was $100, which my husband graciously agreed to let me spend, and I think it's going to be amazing.  The Family Tree is a fantastic local studio that offers Nia, yoga and massage.  I've had a few sessions with the owner (Sandi), both Nia and a reiki massage, and she is one of those people you can't help but be happy around.

The only downside to these two classes is that they are both after work and take place over the same 8 weeks.  So, each Tuesday and Wednesday night for the next two months is booked.  I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about it, but considering they both should be positively impacting both my mind and soul, I think it will be ok! I just hope that my work travel is light the next two months and that I'm not forced to miss many classes.

I've also been investigating volunteer opportunities.  I have been looking into the ARL and JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes) and am still scouting for more great places to give some time.  I think I'm going to focus these next two months on improving myself, and then hopefully begin giving to others.

I've got big plans in the making though - so stay tuned!  Given this is my first foray into blogging, if there are things you want to see or hear me talk about - let me know.

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